Sunday 5 June 2011

The Case for Democracy by Sharansky and Dermer

The book makes an argument that really few can, I think, disagree with. The book has two parts really. The first argues why we need to promote democracy and the second part is how we can do that. Here's the summary:

Part 1:
Start with two observations: 1) Regimes that do not respect the rights of their own citizens won't respect the rights of those of other countries and 2) Dictatorial regimes require external enemies to maintain internal control. Therefore, supporting dictators doesn't bring peace but supporting democracy does.
Part 2:
Again start with two observations: 1) Many dictatorships (esp in Middle East) rely on the West. 2) Small freedoms make people want more and more. Therefore, do not offer aid to dictatorships unless they make measurable (even if small) improvements to freedom. Continue the process until the dictatorship collapses and is replaced with a democracy.